Friday 26 April 2013

Double page spread drafts

1st draft with unoriginal picture
The main image fills the whole page except the right hand side which is where I would put my article. The name 'New Chapter' is the band's name and the font is just a draft to see where it might go. The main colours in the picture are red, green and black where as my colour scheme is red black and white so I have made sure not to have green lights in my picture. The red bar is purely decorative and ties in the red with the black on the right.

 1st draft with original photo and change in layout

My main image fills most of the page but as I like the colour I have edited it to I might move it around to fill even more of the page. I plan to move the red and white line at the top to be inline with the 2nd white line, not have the text boxes as grey and move them to the bottom to make more room for the image. What I like about the page is the bands name at the top left and the red line across the page at the bottom.

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