Tuesday 16 April 2013

Article Draft

After the highs and lows of losing their former lead singer, New Chapter are finally back on track and, boy, did they rock out. With their new take on alternative/heavy rock, they took Knibbfest by storm.
Knibbfest is a charity fund raising event with the aims to bring rock bands from around Northamptonshire together to raise money for Cancer Research. Out of the five performing acts we all know who shone the brighest. New Chapter stood out from the screamo crowd there and entertained everyone with their new take on songs like 'Rolling in the deep'- Adele and 'When the sun goes down'- Artic Monkeys. New Chapter, with their new singer Zahra Sullivan, really took centre stage.
In an interview with New Chapter, drummer Kurtis Sage said 'It wsas absolutely awesome. We couldn't believe how well our set had gone and the crowds positive response to our unique changes with the songs was amazing.' When asked the next date of a performance, Todd Harper the bassist said 'We hope to be performing soon once we've had some more time to make some more original songs and alter some exisiting songs to our sound.. it may take a while.'
So, unfortunatley, it seems we won't be seeing New Chapter anytime soon but with another Knibbfest to be arranged in the next couple of months, will we see a return once more for New Chapter? Here at The Bass we hope we will.

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