Friday, 26 April 2013

Double page spread drafts

1st draft with unoriginal picture
The main image fills the whole page except the right hand side which is where I would put my article. The name 'New Chapter' is the band's name and the font is just a draft to see where it might go. The main colours in the picture are red, green and black where as my colour scheme is red black and white so I have made sure not to have green lights in my picture. The red bar is purely decorative and ties in the red with the black on the right.

 1st draft with original photo and change in layout

My main image fills most of the page but as I like the colour I have edited it to I might move it around to fill even more of the page. I plan to move the red and white line at the top to be inline with the 2nd white line, not have the text boxes as grey and move them to the bottom to make more room for the image. What I like about the page is the bands name at the top left and the red line across the page at the bottom.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Preliminary task- contents page

My contents page has a clear and simple format which is easy for everyone to see. The pictures make the page more interesting and give an idea of what might be in the magazine. The text and layout is a bit boring but for a school magazine it may be suitable. The contents page has my colour scheme of red, black and white, the writing to the left as it's usually more appealing to eye. Overall, I'm not very pleased with this work as it looks basic. 

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Pictures for contents page and double page spread

Contents page- plain, simple image of performance

 With the green light from the left, I thought that it was too much and prefered just the red light. On a second look I thought that the red light was very much in the singers face and decided to repeat the process but more the red light down, so it was less in her face.


Overall, I am happy with this picture it looks bright and fun, which is how I want to portray the band. The dark edges help the background of my double page spread (black) to blend better with the picture so it doesn't look out of place and the red light goes with the colour scheme throught the magazine.

Article Draft

After the highs and lows of losing their former lead singer, New Chapter are finally back on track and, boy, did they rock out. With their new take on alternative/heavy rock, they took Knibbfest by storm.
Knibbfest is a charity fund raising event with the aims to bring rock bands from around Northamptonshire together to raise money for Cancer Research. Out of the five performing acts we all know who shone the brighest. New Chapter stood out from the screamo crowd there and entertained everyone with their new take on songs like 'Rolling in the deep'- Adele and 'When the sun goes down'- Artic Monkeys. New Chapter, with their new singer Zahra Sullivan, really took centre stage.
In an interview with New Chapter, drummer Kurtis Sage said 'It wsas absolutely awesome. We couldn't believe how well our set had gone and the crowds positive response to our unique changes with the songs was amazing.' When asked the next date of a performance, Todd Harper the bassist said 'We hope to be performing soon once we've had some more time to make some more original songs and alter some exisiting songs to our sound.. it may take a while.'
So, unfortunatley, it seems we won't be seeing New Chapter anytime soon but with another Knibbfest to be arranged in the next couple of months, will we see a return once more for New Chapter? Here at The Bass we hope we will.

Monday, 15 April 2013


As with any picture taking, there are risks with equipment and setting. My front cover will be taken in an empty room so there will be minimum safety risk. However, the images for my contents page and double page spread have both been taken on a stage with wires and other musical equipment. The wires could become a safety hazard so organisation of the wires was arranged as well as making sure the musical equipment was out of the way of the band members.


To construct my magazine, I will use the image editing site Pixlr and pages on Apple Macs. As I have used these programs in previous editing. Using picmonkey I will change the brightness and colours on my final piece, whereas Pixlr would be used for movement in the figures.
I will also use my nikon camera to take the shots to then upload to a Apple Mac for editing.

Draft image for Front cover

With the band I am using for my photograph, the 4 males will be closer to her, like in this picture, and slightly further back to get them all in the shot. The title will be at the back behind the members heads. The band I have chosen to photograph is called 'New Chapter' and their name will be ruffly where it is in the edited draft.

Kerrang! Magazine front covers

These are all typical Kerrang! magazine front covers. All the bands are centred in the middle with plain backgrounds and the band name written in large, bold, writing. At the very bottom is a sell line and the barcode is placed to the right hand side where it seems least in view. The colour scheme is usually white, black and then another colour depending on the photo. The lead singer is usually at the front and the other band members surrounding him/her. Kerrang! is covered by the band members but is still recognisable from the famous font and house style. Throughout my magazine I plan to have a house style with a similar layout and picture.