Tuesday 19 February 2013

Research methods

For my coursework I will need to research to be able to make my magazine. I will be able to use research methods such as Primary, Secondary, Quantitive and Qualitative.

Primary research is information I will be able to collect myself such as people opinion on something. This can be obtained by making questionnaires, surveys, interviews, focus groups, phone calls, letters, emails and textual analysis.

Collecting information from books, the internet, search engines, industry websites, websites by individuals, newspapers, magazine and journals are all types of Secondary research. This research method is when information is collected from other people or places.

Quantitive is research to do with numbers and looking for patterns or trends within them to find peoples responses. This can be found using questionnaires and surveys.

Qualitative research involves collecting data to do with opinions, words, feeling in peoples response. This, like Quantitive research, is found using questionnaires and small interviews and surveys.

For my research I will use methods such as:
~Primary- textual analysis, focus groups, questionnaires and interviews.
~Secondary- Search engines, industry websites, magazines and websites made by individuals.
~Qualitative and Quantitive- questionnaires and surveys.

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